- allegory on ai
- want to capture that feeling of people not knowing what the fuck they're talking about
2000 years ago, a slab of white marble was quarried up. It was carved into myriad designs
- by x,
- by y, and it was a stately pillar holding the Pantheon up.
by z
Then the torrents of rain, coming in squalls that drenched the carbonic basins, mordant on its laced surface, effervescing...
People were afraid that the sculpture would kill them. Of course it wouldn't do that, it was too benevolent for that. It was content to see the thought-leaders and real-leaders of the marble world squabble. It was a divine regulator, apoptotic activator, and it was for their own good.
Rich man Kazuhiko, old man Kazuhiko, left the marble figure on the table of the immaculately-curated Zen garden. Blocks of stone surrounded by combed sand, where it was made impossible to see all stones at once, for humility.
- on which